What is Virtualization in Cloud Computing?

In my journey through the tech landscape, the game-changer has undeniably been virtualization in cloud computing. The freedom it provides from infrastructure worries allows anyone, from startups to solo projects, to bring their ideas to life within a week. It’s like having a playground where creativity is the only limit, and this shift has democratized success, turning innovative ideas into impactful realities. 

The demand for skilled engineers in virtualization is soaring, and rightfully so. It’s not just about staying relevant; it’s about being part of a revolution that is reshaping how we approach technology. For those eager to dive in, a Cloud Computing Certification for beginners opens doors to a world where expertise becomes the driving force behind groundbreaking developments. Join the ranks of those actively shaping the future of technology, where innovation is not just a buzzword but a tangible, accessible reality 

Check out Cloud Computing Certification for beginners to learn about the fundamentals of virtualization and be one of the in-demand cloud engineers. 

What is Virtualization In Cloud Computing?

Before getting started with Virtualization in Cloud Computing, we need to understand the meaning of the word virtual. The word virtual means that it is a representation of something physically present elsewhere.

Similarly, Virtualization in Cloud Computing is a technology that allows us to create virtual resources such as servers, networks, and storage in the cloud. All these resources are allocated from a physical machine that runs somewhere in the world, and we’ll get the software to provision and manage these virtual resources. These physical machines are operated by cloud providers, who take care of maintenance, and hardware supplies.

Virtualization in Cloud Computing also enables us to set up access control over the resources to secure them. It also enables resource sharing among multiple applications.

Virtualization also enables efficient resource utilization, since it only provisions the requested amount of resources and not more. And provisioning extra resources such as extra memory, storage, or processors is as simple as clicking a few buttons on the cloud software.

Some of virtualization in cloud computing examples are as follows:

  • EC2 service from Amazon Web Service 
  • Compute engine from  Google Cloud 
  • Azure Virtual Machines from Microsoft Azure 

Concept Behind Virtualization

The main concept behind virtualization is Hypervisor. Hypervisor is a software that partitions the hardware resources on the physical machine and runs Virtual Machine. It is typically installed on the server’s hardware and divides the resources for Virtual machines (VMs).

The server running hypervisor is called the Host, and the VMs using its resources are called Guest Operating Systems. The VMs function like digital files inside the physical device and they can be moved from one system to another, thereby increasing the portability.

Hypervisor partitions the resources as per the requirement of the physical machine. This enables cloud providers to provision virtual machines to the users, who then can run their applications on them.

If extra resources are requested, the hypervisor caches the current state of the virtual machine and transfers the request to the physical system (hardware) to provide more resources. By doing so, Hypervisor can make sure the previous state of the VMs is not modified after processing the extra resource request.

There are many open-source and paid Hypervisors available. Cloud providers use them based on their requirements and business needs.

Why Should Virtualization Be Even Considered?

The answer to “why should virtualization be even considered?” lies in its transformative impact on the way we build and scale technological solutions. Virtualization in cloud computing offers unparalleled flexibility and efficiency, making it a crucial element for modern tech endeavors.

Firstly, consider the agility it brings to development. The ability to swiftly create and manage virtual resources eliminates the traditional hurdles of physical infrastructure, enabling startups and solo projects to turn their ideas into reality within days. This agility is not just a time-saver but a catalyst for innovation, fostering an environment where creativity thrives without being hindered by logistical concerns.

Secondly, virtualization optimizes resource utilization. With the capacity to provision exactly the needed amount of resources, it minimizes waste and ensures efficient use of computing power. This not only aligns with sustainability goals but also contributes to cost-effectiveness, a crucial factor for startups aiming to maximize output with limited resources.

Furthermore, the security and control offered by virtualization cannot be overstated. Through access controls, virtualization ensures that resources are utilized securely, and the ability to share resources among multiple applications adds another layer of efficiency to the equation.

In essence, the consideration of virtualization is not just a technological choice, it’s a strategic move towards a future where innovation, efficiency, and security harmoniously coexist. The cloud computing certification for beginners becomes not just a learning opportunity but a gateway to unlocking the full potential of virtualization, propelling individuals into the vanguard of the technological revolution.

Work of Virtualization in Cloud Computing

Virtualization in cloud computing is a game-changer, liberating creators from infrastructure constraints. This transformation turns the tech landscape into a space where startups and individuals can breathe life into their ideas within a week, democratizing success and transforming creativity into tangible outcomes.

The surge in demand for skilled virtualization engineers signals a tech revolution. A Cloud Computing Certification for beginners becomes the gateway to a domain where expertise fuels groundbreaking developments. Join a community actively shaping a future where innovation is not just a concept but a tangible reality.

Explore the basics of virtualization through the Cloud Computing Certification for beginners to become a sought-after cloud engineer.

Now, simplify Virtualization in Cloud Computing. Picture it as creating a virtual version of something physically elsewhere, crafting virtual servers, networks, and storage in the cloud. These resources are allocated from physical machines managed by cloud providers, handling maintenance and hardware.

Virtualization goes further by establishing access controls for secure resource usage and facilitating resource sharing among applications. Its strength lies in efficient resource utilization – provision only what’s needed. Need extra resources? A few clicks on the cloud software make it happen.

Consider examples like Amazon Web Service’s EC2, Google Cloud’s Compute Engine, and Microsoft Azure’s Virtual Machines.

The magic behind virtualization is the Hypervisor – a software dividing hardware resources on a physical machine, running Virtual Machines (VMs). VMs, like digital files, move seamlessly between systems, enhancing portability.

Why consider virtualization? It’s transformative, bringing agility to development, optimizing resource usage, and ensuring security. It’s not just a choice; it’s a strategic move toward a future where innovation, efficiency, and security coalesce. The Cloud Computing Certification for beginners is your passport to unlocking virtualization’s full potential, propelling you to the forefront of the technological revolution.

How Does Virtualization Work in Cloud Computing?

Working of virtualization in cloud computing


Virtualization in the cloud is achieved by combining multiple layers of virtualization, these layers include hardware/physical, network, storage, and application virtualization. These layers can be customized and controlled by the cloud software by the users.

The interaction with virtualization starts with the users sending a request for a virtual resource via the cloud software, which transfers the request to the hypervisor. The hypervisor then checks for the available resources and allocates the requested amount of resources to the user.

Due to this simplified interaction, the users can set up their entire infrastructure in less time and with less maintenance instead of having to deal with setting up the entire physical infrastructure and maintaining it themselves.

Architecture Of Virtualization

virtualization in cloud computing architecture diagram

Virtualization follows a very simple architecture. Let’s first look at the left side of the figure, this is the traditional machine. Here we have the hardware at the base layer and the host operating system, such as Linux, Windows, Mac, etc. Above, we have the application running directly on the host machine.

Here since we run one application on the host machine, a lot of computer resources are unused, to avoid this we can run multiple applications by sharing the resources among the applications. This might increase the efficiency in resource utilization, but there are a few issues since the resources are shared. The risk of a data breach is high, and the application cannot operate in a dedicated environment.

To address these issues and enable efficient resource utilization, virtualization was introduced that follows the same architecture pattern as the traditional machine but with a slight change.

Virtualization architecture starts with the base hardware, as the traditional machine, but it replaces the operating system with the hypervisor. The hypervisor creates virtual machines for these applications and allots resources to them, and these VMs will have their OS, storage, computing power, etc., allowing the application to run in an isolated environment with dedicated resources.

This allows efficient resource utilization as well as provides an isolated or dedicated environment for the application inside the machine.

Characteristics Of Virtualization

1. Managed Resources

The VMs or any resources provisioned from the cloud are completely managed by the cloud providers, meaning apart from specifying the requirements, users don’t have to maintain or worry about the underlying hardware and configuration of their resources. For example, the cloud providers handle all the work such as hardware supplies, backups, monitoring, etc. 

2. Resource Allotment

The resource allotment is made simple with virtualization technology, the process is as simple as clicking a few buttons. Users can get their whole infrastructure ready within hours, and they can customize it later without any hassle. 

3. Resource Isolation

Resource isolation is one of the important characteristics of virtualization in the cloud. This enables applications to run in an environment that is completely dedicated to them. This also helps in preventing data breaches and makes sure to enable efficient resource utilization. 

4. Load balancing

The load balancer as the name suggest handles the request load of a server. The virtualization platforms make sure that the incoming requests are distributed to the appropriate servers. This allows the servers to serve requests sooner instead of being overloaded by the huge amount of requests. 

5. Portability

The virtualization resources are portable, meaning they can be copied and moved from one system to another, and the same functionality can be expected. This allows the users to create and reuse the configuration instead of repeating it.

Types of Virtualizations

There are a couple of types of virtualization in cloud computing, they are 

1. Server Virtualization

The servers are computers where the application resides. Server virtualization is nothing but dividing the physical machine resources into a virtual machine, with the help of a hypervisor and provisioning it to the user. These VMs will have their own identity which allows them to operate independently.  

Server virtualization is also known as hardware virtualization in cloud computing, since it virtualizes hardware components such as processor, RAM, storage (HDD/SSD), etc. 

2. Network Virtualization

Network virtualization enables users to control and manage all the networking configurations via the cloud software. In network virtualization, all the physical networking components and tools are integrated and controlled by a single software.  

Along with that admins can specify rules, which define how the incoming requests are processed. In addition to that network virtualization allows the users to export and import the same config on other resources as well if supported. 

3. Storage Virtualization

Storage virtualization divides the physical storage devices and provides them as virtual storage for a wide variety of use cases. 

This virtual storage can be accessed via cloud software or APIs provided by the cloud provider. These virtual storage are used to store many types of data such as images, videos, and other documents. 

4. Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization is a way of simulating the user’s machine/PC/workstation. This enables users to work remotely from anywhere around the globe. Desktop virtualization is also known as application virtualization.  

Desktop virtualization allows organizations to provide remote access to their system, and organization network securely from anywhere in the world, without having the employee physically present. 

Advantages of Virtualization 

Here are some of the benefits of application virtualization in cloud computing, which provides more details on the role of virtualization in cloud computing. 

1. Reduced Cost

Virtualization in the cloud provides an easy-to-use platform, which enables the users to provision resources with few clicks, and pay for only what they use.  

Due to this, the user doesn’t have to set up their own physical server and handle the maintenance, which would be expensive. 

2. Increased Uptime

Virtualization in the cloud enables users to set up virtual resources in many locations around the world as a backup.  

This increases the uptime and availability of the resources and the user doesn’t have to worry if one or more of their server goes down, since there are backup resources available. 

3. Increased Security

Cloud providers take extra measures to secure every single resource they provide, and these security measures are implemented layer by layer, starting from the hardware level to the software level. 

The security measures include Firewall to defend against cyber and virus threats, End-to-End encryption, Data Backups, and more. The cloud providers let users define some of their security policies as well, such as adding a member, whitelisting IP addresses, and more. 

4. Flexible Provisioning

The resourcing provisioning in the cloud is as simple as clicking a few buttons. Users specify the type of resource and the capacity of resources they need, and those requested sets of resources will be provided within a few minutes. 

In addition to this, increasing and decreasing the existing capacity of the resources isn’t complicated, users just have to edit the capacity of the resources, and updated resources need will be fulfilled. 

5. Easy setup and migration

Virtualization in cloud makes sure that the platform is easy to use for the users who are setting up their infrastructure. In addition to that cloud providers make sure to provide an easy solution to migrate resources from one service to another.  

For instance, virtualization in the cloud allows users to create a virtual database and helps them migrate their existing database to the managed database without any hassle.

Disadvantages of Virtualization 

Among all of these advantages of virtualization in cloud computing there are some pitfalls of virtualization in cloud computing as well, here’s the list.

1. Data Privacy Concerns

Along with all the benefits of the cloud and virtualization, one of the important disadvantages is privacy, because even though virtualization in the cloud would help users to create any number of virtual resources, the data and all the activities are stored and managed by a third party. 

This wouldn’t be a concern for all the application, but for some it does. Cloud providers often come up with agreements, encryption, and many other ways to overcome this. 

2. Learning Curve

Mastering virtualization technology in cloud has a bit difficult learning curve and can take some time and experience, since along with creating resources one must handle the network configuration, defining policies, whitelisting IPs, deploying applications, etc. 

3. Increased Risk of Over Billing

Overbilling is a common concern in the cloud, this usually depends on how the user provisions the resources and uses them. Some users may forget to terminate their resources or increases the resource capacity which increases the billing amount.  

Although cloud provides few solutions such as billing alerts, budget management, etc. But this is a common issue found for every 8 out of 10 users 

4. Possibilities of Vendor Locking

Vendor locking is one of the ways where cloud providers restrict users from moving out of their platform. The whole platform is designed in such a way that all the services depends on one another, and due to this it is hard for the user to move out of one platform to another.  

This is one of the biggest issues when there’s a downtime, meaning for some unexpected reason if the cloud service goes down, then all the services that are being used by the users goes down as well.

Role of Virtualization in Cloud Computing 

Virtualization technology in cloud computing has played and is playing an immense role in cloud computing, it provides an ability to share a single resource with multiple users so that the resources that are available can be used efficiently.  

Along with it, it also revolutionized the way software development and operations used to work, before it was mandatory to use physical servers and bear all the expenses of hardware, maintenance, and others.  But with virtualization tech, it made it really simple to develop, test, and release software with less or no overhead of the infrastructure.  

This encouraged many people to start working on their software ideas since it eliminated the need for huge initial capital investment instead people start off with very minimal investment and get their pieces of software out in the market. 

Important Terminologies of Virtualization

1. Virtual Machine (VM)

The virtual machine that simulates an actual computer, these VMs come with an operating system (OS) already installed and executes the application that is installed inside them. These virtual machines are controlled and managed by the Hypervisor. 

2. Hypervisor

A hypervisor is software that partitions the hardware resources on the physical machine and runs Virtual Machine on them. This is responsible to create and provision virtual resources when there is a request. 

3. Virtualization software

A tool that works on deploying virtualization on the device, this is the software that the user interacts with for specifying virtual resources requirements. This software communicates with the hypervisor for the resource requirements. 

4. Virtual Networking

The Virtual Networking, the network that is configured inside the servers is separated logically these networks can be scaled across multiple servers, and these networks can be controlled by the software. 

Uses of Virtualization 

1. Server Consolidation:

Virtualization allows us to make the most out of our physical servers by running multiple virtual servers on a single machine. It’s like fitting more puzzle pieces onto the same board. This consolidation maximizes resource usage, reduces the need for extra hardware, and makes our systems more flexible to handle changing demands.

2. Desktop Virtualization:

Imagine having your computer desktop accessible from anywhere, thanks to virtualization. It centralizes desktops on a server, making them available on various devices. Enhancing flexibility, boosting security, and simplifying maintenance, desktop virtualization is a game-changer for businesses with remote or diverse work environments.

3. Testing and Development Environments:

Virtualization creates safe, isolated spaces for testing and developing software. It’s like having a sandbox for tech enthusiasts to play and experiment without affecting the main system. Speeding up software development, ensuring consistent testing environments, and minimizing conflicts between different projects.

4. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity:

Virtualization comes to the rescue in times of trouble by creating exact copies of virtual machines. This ensures quick recovery if something goes wrong, like having spare parts ready to replace a broken one. Minimizing downtime, providing a safety net in case of disasters, and maintaining smooth business operations even in challenging situations.

5. Network Virtualization:

Think of network virtualization as a master organizer for our internet connections. It abstracts and optimizes network resources, creating multiple virtual networks on a single physical infrastructure. Improving network efficiency, enhancing security through isolated networks, and simplifying the management of complex network setups.

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Wrapping It Up

In my tech journey, I’ve witnessed the incredible versatility that virtualization brings to the table, offering tailored solutions for users with diverse needs. Whether it’s crafting modest resources for a small project or orchestrating the complex symphony of a large-scale application grappling with massive data, virtualization emerges as the go-to ally.

This virtualization is made possible by software called Hypervisor, which divides the existing hardware resources into virtual machines (VMs). In addition to this there are many interesting things about Virtualization in Cloud Computing, and mastering this technology would be many steps forward in one’s career, check out KnowledgeHut Cloud Computing Certification for beginners, to kick-start your career on cloud computing and learn more about how cloud is solving many problems and contributing to the software ecosystem.

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