AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions: Key Differences & Similarities

A decade ago, as entrepreneurs were busy making pricey server purchases, serverless cloud computing first appeared. Microsoft’s Azure Functions and AWS Lambda are now vying for supremacy in the serverless cloud. These two play in a contemporary manner.

There may be minute distinctions between AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. They can even be obtuse sometimes, prompting people to question whether there is a difference. But don’t worry if you get lost or don’t feel like going through the lengthy instructions. For you, we took care of the challenging labor. You can go for Azure Solutions Architect expert course and learn to manage decisions for functional areas.

Overview: Azure Functions & AWS Lambda

Microsoft and Amazon Web Services both provide competitive cloud computing suites, dubbed Azure Functions and AWS Lambda, respectively. Both applications AWS Functions and AWS Lambda effectively act as event-driven platforms that enable users to write programs in a variety of programming languages.

Azure Functions

Azure Functions

With Azure Functions, you may concentrate on the parts of code or functions that are most crucial to your application, as the name suggests. You can carry out these operations in response to a number of triggers using Microsoft’s serverless service. HTTP requests, timers, data changes within Azure services, and even bespoke events from outside sources fall under this category.

Azure Functions’ tight integration with the Azure ecosystem is one of its distinguishing features and what makes it a desirable option when you currently use Azure services for your cloud needs. Azure Functions’ capacity to handle a variety of developers is further evidenced by the fact that it supports C#, Node.js, Python, and even PowerShell.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is Amazon’s ultimate answer to serverless computing that empowers developers to run code in response to various events generated within the AWS ecosystem or from external sources via HTTP requests. AWS Lambda supports a variety of languages, including Node.js, Python, Java, Go, and .NET Core, thanks to its language neutrality. The main advantage of AWS Lambda is that it makes it simple to interact with the much larger AWS ecosystem, enabling users to utilize a wide range of AWS services to develop comprehensive and highly scalable cloud solutions. Going for the Cloud Computing courses will help you build competency in managing cloud storage, databases, networking, security, and analytics.

How AWS Lambda Works

AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions: Comparison


Azure Lambda

Azure Functions


Incredibly customizable with a wide range of runtime settings, unique VPCs, and environment variables.

Significant levels of customizability are offered, including possibilities for interacting with Azure services and environment variables.


Pay-as-you-go pricing scheme depending on the quantity of requests and speed of execution. includes a free tier. Similar pay-as-you-go pricing with a free tier available, dependent on the resources and execution time needed.

With a free tier accessible, similar pay-as-you-go pricing based on execution time and resource usage is offered.


Includes many other triggers, such as HTTP requests, S3 events, and others. source for significant occurrences.

Triggers can be in a variety of forms, including event hubs, timers, queues, and HTTP. most suitable for working with Azure services.


Includes Python, Java, C#, Node.js, and more among the languages it supports.

C#, JavaScript, F#, and PowerShell are among the languages it supports. confined in comparison to Lambda.

Cold Start 

In some languages, particularly, cold starts can be a problem. This can be minimized with provisioned concurrency.

Cold starts are a problem, however Azure has options like the Premium Plan that improve cold start speed.


Is deployable through AWS SAM, Serverless Framework, or the AWS Management Console.

The ability to deploy using Azure DevOps, Visual Studio, the Azure CLI, and the Azure Functions Core Tools.


Concurrently limited, scalable, and customizable. Provisioned concurrency is a tool for managing auto-scaling.

Has auto-scaling and has concurrent limitations that can be specified


Operates in a closed environment.

Despite having security isolation, functions are hosted in a common environment.

Code Reusability 

Makes use of libraries and layers to support code reuse.

Incorporates Azure DevOps and supports shared libraries for code reuse.


By using VPC setups, it offers resource separation.

Offers some resource isolation, however not to the same level of specificity as AWS VPC.

Difference Between Azure Functions and AWS Lambda

1. Azure Functions vs AWS Lambda: Pros and Cons

Azure Functions Pros:

Here are some of the advantages of Azure Functions:

  • Seamless connectivity with other Azure Services, such as Service Bus, Notification Hubs, Event Hubs, and other ones, such Event Grids.
  • There are a number of supported programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, Python, F#, C#, Node.js, and PHP.
  • Functions features a simple user interface that runs in a browser.
  • Apps with runtime portability, allowing for universal use.
  • Automated scaling with flexibility.
  • You can utilize code that is triggered by third-party services on the event-driven platform Functions.
  • Allows for considerably faster application development than the standard development procedure.

Azure Functions Cons:

Here are some of the disadvantages of Azure Functions:

  • Outside of the Azure ecosystem, it might be difficult to deploy, test, and run functions.
  • Without customer support, you could find it challenging to complete several straightforward activities.

Azure Lambda Pros:

  • Lambda is simple to combine with other AWS services.
  • Tool for serverless computing that is user-friendly.
  • versatile and scalable service.
  • Smooth and quick scaling.
  • By using the WYSIWYG editor in the console, you may author immediately.
  • Utilizing CloudWatch, keep an eye on performance in real time.
  • Utilize external event timers to carry out specific tasks.

Azure Lambda Cons:

  • Unfit for small-scale projects.
  • Because the maximum execution time for functions and instances is 15 minutes, long-running workloads cannot be run. 
  • In addition, Lambda costs can soar if not properly optimized.
  • The Lambda environment does not support running bespoke software installations or packages.
  • Vendor locking in.
  • Only allow 1000 queries to be processed simultaneously.

Azure Functions vs Lambda: Which is Better?

Both Azure Functions and AWS Lambda are potent serverless computing platforms, but which one you should choose will depend on your unique requirements and existing architecture. Due to their improved ability to interface with the larger Azure ecosystem, Azure Functions are the best option for companies who have made significant investments in Azure services. They enable a wide range of trigger possibilities, including HTTP requests, timers, and Azure-specific services, and they offer a robust development environment.

The larger language selection offered by AWS Lambda, in contrast, makes it more versatile if your development team has experience with a variety of programming languages. For event-driven systems in particular, Lambda also provides a range of trigger possibilities. The Provisioned Concurrency feature of AWS gives it a competitive advantage in reducing cold start performance difficulties. Your present partnerships with cloud providers, preferred languages, integration needs, and potential long-term vendor lock-in issues should all be taken into consideration when selecting a platform.


Several key differences that can have a big influence on your choice of serverless platform are highlighted by the comparison between AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. The enormous AWS ecosystem, of which AWS Lambda is a part, shines in providing a greater range of language support, a huge selection of triggers and event sources, and robust provisioning options to address cold start performance. Due to their close integration with the Azure ecosystem, Azure Functions offer capabilities like the Premium Plan that successfully address cold start difficulties while also ensuring seamless compatibility with Azure services.

Making sound decisions in this complex environment with tools like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions requires knowledge and experience in cloud computing. The several cloud systems we cover in our vast training and certification programs include AWS and Azure, to name just a few. Individuals and organizations can gain from these courses by equipping them with the essential knowledge and abilities to build, implement, and optimize cloud-based solutions. KnowledgeHut Azure Solutions Architect expert certification will help boost your learning.

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