Enhanced content categorization for reporting and skills progression

Mapping skills progression for your team’s cybersecurity development plan is now made easy with enhanced content categorization on HTB Enterprise Platform!

The alignment of training material with wider business needs and goals is the very first step to successful upskilling. What if you could achieve this effortlessly? 

This is where the enhanced content categorization plays a huge part by ensuring that the content your team consumes and the activities they’re participating in connect with their day-to-day responsibilities within the organization.

What is content categorization? 

Simply put, content categorization enables managers to understand better how lab content within the platform relates to particular skills such as areas of interest, frameworks, vulnerabilities, and more.

Content categorization is based on the use of “tags.” Tags represent a variety of real-world skills that are interconnected with lab content and reports. This gives managers a clear understanding of how specific content contributes to their team’s tailored skill development plan. Some examples of the implemented tags are:

Enhancent Content

If your team is about to launch a web application and you want to make sure that your security staff is prepared to secure mobile and web application environments, you can use the “categories” tag to assign training related to web applications and mobile apps.

Increasing the number of tags available to connect existing and new content to a wide variety of skills provides more clarity and better content management within a lab. It provides a seamless user experience within the platform and a more analytical approach to measuring cybersecurity performance. 

How does enhanced content categorization contribute to an improved in-platform experience?

Better content categorization makes lab content easier to find, improving engagement with all the content available.

We aimed to keep our content categorization approach common across the HTB Enterprise Platform such as Academy Modules, Challenges, Sherlocks, Professional Lab scenarios, and Cloud Lab scenarios. This universal tagging implementation on all the available content offers:

  • A finer and more consistent progress reporting supports a 360° approach for a continuous performance assessment for every type of organization. 

  • A new reporting overview that focuses on skill progression and is not just specific to content completion.

HTB Enterprise Platform features are designed to enable managers and technical leaders to identify practical learning outcomes for every activity. Discover other powerful features and start implementing your customized workforce development plan more easily than ever before. 

How can managers make the most of tags available for their team’s progress?

The first step of every skill development plan is content! Assigning relevant learning material with ease is crucial for managers, and our enhanced content categorization makes it smoother. 

Managers can now filter through content using skills tags relevant to their team’s cybersecurity objectives to select those that meet their upskilling milestones. Specifically, navigating through the “Manage” page, managers not only can view a list of new tags attached to a specific Machine, but they can also filter tags of choice to add relevant content to their lab.

Once managers have completed the lab setup, what’s a better way to maximize the team’s learning curve than by carefully tracking the progress?

Managers can visualize their team’s progress by accessing the new “Skills” page within Dedicated Labs and get an overview of their team’s scenario completion while obtaining a breakdown of progress through skill tags. Specifically, managers can have a progression breakdown for: 

  • Machines: A spider chart and bar chart for the areas of interest relevant to the workforce development plan, as defined with the new tagging in place. A list of skill progress in descending order for technology and vulnerabilities tags for visibility from the most to the least acquired skills per tag. 

  • Challenges: A categories progress breakdown for Challenges, displayed in a spider graph alongside a progress bar for the top 10 categories.

  • Sherlocks: A categories progress breakdown for Sherlocks, displayed in a spider graph alongside a progress bar for the top 10 categories.

Besides the progress visualization within the “Skills” page, managers can take advantage of the upgraded “Reporting” page, including a new tab for detailed exploration. 

The new “Skill progression” tab allows managers to have an overview of skills obtained related to completed Machines represented as a progression breakdown. This includes a spider chart and bar chart displaying the progress for the areas of interest of the new tagging. 

A further breakdown of skills progression can be viewed specifically for technology and vulnerability tags, displaying the breakdown of assigned Machines in difficulty and OS (Operating System). 

A category progress breakdown for Challenges is also displayed in a skill progression list and at the bottom of the list, with a breakdown of assigned Challenges per difficulty.

How can companies use content categorization to recruit their next cybersecurity team member?

The talent shortage in the industry has forced companies to focus more on a candidate’s skills validation rather than certifications, and that’s why we made it easier for hiring managers to find the most qualified candidates using our content categorization.

HTB Talent Search is a great place to start using the skill tags for recruiting purposes, focusing on a pool of candidates with verified skills and capabilities. New filters have been added to Talent Search: area of interest, technology, and vulnerability. This will allow managers to choose from the sub-options available and filter candidate profile options.

When it comes to individual user profiles, hiring managers and recruiters can view not only the skills obtained by each candidate but also the percentage of content completion per skill, and better understand whether the skills for a specific job position are matched. 

Recommended read: Start revolutionizing your cybersecurity hiring today by checking out four expert tips that will help you attract, assess, and retain top cybersecurity talent in 2024. 

How can members keep track of achievements and skills obtained?

Members can now review their progress broken down per skill tag. A progression breakdown for the completed Machines is now enriched to encompass the available skill tags displayed similarly as in the “Skill” page for managers.

A spider chart and a bar chart depict the progress for the areas of interest while the skill progress is also displayed based on technology and vulnerabilities tags. 

For completed Challenges, the progress is broken down into categories and is displayed in a spider graph and progress bar following the existing components for Challenge completion and difficulty.

Is your business ready to implement a cybersecurity workforce development program?

Enhanced content categorization encompasses crucial components of effective content management, reporting, and talent recruitment. Now, you can save time searching for relevant content and ensure effective skill progress monitoring for your team’s cybersecurity development. 

Login to start exploring the new tags available for your business.

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