Jenkins vs Azure Devops: Top Differences & Similarities

Back in 2015, as I was immersing myself in the software development realm during college, Azure DevOps entered my tech universe. Enchanted by the seamless blend of Git repositories and intuitive workflows, Azure DevOps became my companion. Little did I know that in just a few years, another contender, Jenkins, would become an essential part of my professional journey. Here’s an in-depth exploration of these two titans of CI/CD, reflecting upon their features, functionalities, and how they influence the DevOps world.

Jenkins vs Azure DevOps: Head-to-Head Comparison

Parameter Jenkins Azure DevOps
Origin & Ownership Originated from Hudson project, open-source A Microsoft product, proprietary
Licensing & Pricing Primarily free, charges for certain plugins/features Freemium model; free for small teams, charges for advanced
Integration Capabilities Extensive through plugins, manual configurations needed Streamlined, especially within the Microsoft ecosystem
Ease of Use Functional UI, steeper learning curve Contemporary UI, more intuitive
Scalability Customizable scalability; may require manual tweaks Cloud-native essence, scales effortlessly
Platform Support Agent-centric model, extensive support Azure Pipelines offers comprehensive cross-platform support
Security Secure but plugins can introduce vulnerabilities Backed by Microsoft’s robust security protocols
Primary Feature Flexibility & customization with vast plugins Integrated DevOps solutions across the development lifecycle

Differences Between Jenkins and Azure

1. Jenkins vs Azure DevOps: Origin and Ownership

My early tryst with Azure DevOps unveiled a comprehensive suite encompassing a spectrum of DevOps tools, presenting a consolidated application lifecycle management solution. Born from Microsoft’s vision, Azure DevOps has Microsoft’s robustness and integration capabilities at its core.

Jenkins, on the other hand, traces its lineage from the Hudson project and thrives upon an expansive open-source community. Its democratic ethos ensures continuous innovations, making it a staple for CI enthusiasts worldwide.

2. Azure DevOps vs Jenkins: Licensing and Pricing

Open-source and free – Jenkins captured my intrigue right from the onset. But, while Jenkins’ primary functionalities are without costs, some plugins and features might carry charges.

Azure DevOps, adopting a freemium structure, was free for smaller teams like mine during college. However, with teams expanding and necessitating advanced functionalities, the costs would escalate.

Azure DevOps


3. Jenkins vs Azure DevOps: Integration Capabilities

I remember the days of experimenting with CI/CD workflows. Jenkins, with a vast repository of plugins, extends integration with a plethora of DevOps tools. Yet, ensuring these integrations run without hitches demands significant user involvement.

In stark contrast, Azure DevOps provides an amalgamated experience. Especially within the Microsoft ecosystem, integrations felt organic and streamlined. Azure DevOps showcases Microsoft’s prowess not only in DevOps but also in cloud infrastructure, a space where the role of a Microsoft Azure Solution Architect becomes pivotal.

4. Jenkins vs Azure DevOps: Ease of Use

Azure DevOps, with its contemporary UI, was a delight. Setting up a CI/CD pipeline or managing the backlog seemed straightforward.

Jenkins, although rich in flexibility, presented a steeper learning curve. Its UI, leaning more towards functionality than aesthetics, demanded more hands-on time to master.

5. Jenkins vs Azure DevOps: Scalability

As project complexities soared, Jenkins, though not inherently primed for extensive scalability, could be tweaked for larger projects.

Azure DevOps, capitalizing on its cloud-native essence, scaled effortlessly, making it adept for projects across scales.

6. Jenkins vs Azure DevOps: Platform Support

With Jenkins’ agent-centric model, builds and deployments across multiple platforms were feasible. Azure DevOps, especially through Azure Pipelines, mirrored this proficiency, rendering extensive cross-platform support.

7. Jenkins vs Azure DevOps: Security

Security, a paramount concern throughout my career, took center stage. Jenkins, though fundamentally secure, sometimes became vulnerable via certain plugins.

Azure DevOps, with Microsoft’s renowned security protocols, instilled confidence and tranquility. To delve deeper into Azure’s capabilities and understand its architecture better, the KnowledgeHut Microsoft Data Architect certification can provide a comprehensive overview.

Building a CI/CD Pipeline: A Primer with Illustrations

Azure DevOps:

  • Creating a Project: Upon logging into Azure DevOps, start by creating a new project. This will be your workspace for the entire CI/CD setup.
  • Setting Up Repos: Azure Repos provide unlimited cloud-hosted private Git repos for your project. Post creation, you can push your application code here.
  • Creating the Pipeline: Navigate to ‘Pipelines’ > ‘Create Pipeline’. Choose your repo and configure the pipeline YAML file to define build and release tasks.

Illustration: Imagine you’re building a web app. Azure DevOps can initiate builds whenever you push updates to your repo. After successful builds, it will deploy the web app to Azure Web Services, ensuring users always have access to the latest version.


  • Installing Jenkins: Begin by installing Jenkins on your server/machine.
  • Creating a New Job: Post-installation, navigate to the Jenkins dashboard, click on ‘New Item’, provide a name, and choose ‘Freestyle Project’.
  • Setting Up Source Code Management: Under the job configurations, choose ‘Git’ in the Source Code Management section and provide your repository details.
  • Build Triggers: Choose how you want to trigger the build process. ‘Poll SCM’ is a popular choice, which checks for changes in the repo at specified intervals.
  • Build & Post-Build Actions: Define tasks for Jenkins to execute during the build, like compiling code. Post-build actions include tasks post a successful build, like deploying the application.

Illustration: Imagine developing a Java application. Jenkins can be configured to fetch the latest code from your GitHub repository, compile the code, run unit tests, and if everything passes, deploy the .jar file to a production server.

How Are They Similar?

Having navigated the corridors of software development and DevOps for several years, I’ve come to appreciate tools that not only offer utility but also adaptability. Jenkins and Azure DevOps have been an integral part of this journey, and while they each boast their unique flavors, there are striking similarities that have cemented their positions in the CI/CD landscape.

1. Integration with Source Control Systems:

  • Jenkins: From my earliest encounters with Jenkins, the vast plugin ecosystem stood out. This extensive library allowed Jenkins to mesh with an array of Version Control Systems (VCS) like Git, Subversion, and Mercurial. In fact, during a project in 2019, I was able to flawlessly integrate Jenkins with multiple code repositories, proving its flexibility in real-world scenarios.
  • Azure DevOps: Azure DevOps has been a staple in several of my projects since 2015. While it comes with Azure Repos, its intrinsic capability to play nicely with external repositories, particularly GitHub, has been a boon. This seamless integration has been pivotal in projects where diverse repository platforms were in play.

2. Extensibility through Plugins or Extensions:

  • Jenkins: My experience has taught me that adaptability is key in DevOps. Jenkins embodies this with its expansive plugin range. I’ve often likened it to a Swiss Army knife – there’s a plugin for virtually every requirement, from UI enhancements to third-party tool integrations.
  • Azure DevOps: In the Azure DevOps ecosystem, extensions play a similar role. The Azure DevOps Marketplace, which I’ve frequently visited, offers a plethora of extensions that can add functionalities or bridge third-party tools.

3. Build and Release Pipelines:

  • Jenkins: The Jenkinsfile has been a revelation. Pipelines as code through this mechanism underscored the principles of infrastructure as code. In projects where CI/CD configurations needed versioning and co-existence with application code, this approach was invaluable.
  • Azure DevOps: Similarly, Azure DevOps’ YAML-based pipelines resonated with me. During a project that emphasized code-driven configurations, these pipelines were the backbone of our CI/CD processes.

4. Support for Containerization and Microservices:

  • Jenkins: The world of containerization is thrilling, and Jenkins has not shied away. With plugins supporting Docker and Kubernetes, I’ve overseen projects where Jenkins streamlined CI/CD for microservices, adding efficiency and reliability.
  • Azure DevOps: My admiration for Azure DevOps grew when I delved into microservices hosted on containers. Its deep integration with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Docker support made CI/CD processes smooth and intuitive.

5. Cloud and On-Premise Installations:

  • Jenkins: Jenkins’ cloud-native adaptations were a breath of fresh air in projects where cloud solutions were pivotal. Yet, its roots as a self-hosted solution meant that it was ever-reliable in on-prem scenarios as well.
  • Azure DevOps: The introduction of Azure DevOps Server, the successor to Team Foundation Server, ensured that teams had an on-premises solution. I’ve been part of initiatives where this flexibility was central to our infrastructure choices.

6. Community and Documentation:

  • Jenkins: The Jenkins community, which I’ve tapped into for insights and troubleshooting, is a testament to its longevity and impact. Its exhaustive documentation and forums are a treasure trove for both novices and veterans.
  • Azure DevOps: Backed by the might of Microsoft, Azure DevOps offers robust documentation. Whether it was a beginner’s guide or advanced troubleshooting, I’ve found the resources comprehensive and insightful.

What Should You Choose Between Jenkins and Azure DevOps?

Deciding between Jenkins and Azure DevOps hinges on multiple factors — your organization’s scale, the complexity of projects, existing infrastructure, budget constraints, and team expertise. Here’s a more in-depth look:

1. Project Scale and Complexity:

  • Jenkins: Jenkins is incredibly flexible and might be more suitable for larger organizations or projects that require a high degree of customization. Its vast array of plugins allows it to fit into almost any CI/CD workflow, no matter how intricate or unique.
  • Azure DevOps: On the other hand, Azure DevOps offers an integrated experience right out of the box. It’s beneficial for medium-sized to large enterprises seeking a streamlined solution without the need for heavy customization. The suite is especially handy if your projects encompass more than just CI/CD, requiring tools like issue tracking, version control, and test management.

2. Infrastructure and Ecosystem:

  • Jenkins: If you’re already invested in an infrastructure that’s diverse with different tools from various vendors, Jenkins might be the better choice. Its ability to integrate with almost any tool (thanks to its plugins) means it can slot right into your existing setup.
  • Azure DevOps: If your organization is heavily invested in the Microsoft ecosystem (think Azure, Visual Studio, etc.), Azure DevOps provides seamless integration, ensuring a more cohesive experience.

3. Budget:

  • Jenkins: Being open source, Jenkins itself is free. However, there might be costs associated with certain plugins, and there’s the underlying infrastructure to consider. Additionally, setting up, customizing, and maintaining Jenkins could require more dedicated resources, translating to higher costs in the long run.
  • Azure DevOps: Azure DevOps has a freemium model. Small teams can start for free, but as your team grows or requires more advanced features, costs will escalate. That said, the unified nature of Azure DevOps might mean fewer hidden costs in integration and maintenance.

4. Team Expertise:

  • Jenkins: Jenkins can have a steeper learning curve, especially if you’re aiming to harness its full potential. If your team has prior experience with Jenkins or if you have the bandwidth to invest in training, it could be the way to go.
  • Azure DevOps: Azure DevOps, with its more modern UI and integrated suite of tools, might be easier for newcomers to get to grips with. The uniform experience across the suite can accelerate team onboarding.

5. Future-Proofing:

  • Jenkins: Jenkins has been around for a long time, and its open-source nature ensures a steady flow of updates and new plugins. This guarantees its relevance in the ever-evolving world of DevOps.
  • Azure DevOps: Microsoft’s backing ensures continuous innovation. As the world moves towards cloud-native solutions, Azure DevOps, with its deep integration with Azure, might provide a more future-ready solution.


In the realm of DevOps, both Jenkins and Azure DevOps, especially Azure Pipelines, hold their distinct merits. As someone who has delved deep into the nuances of “Azure Pipelines vs Jenkins”, I’ve come to appreciate the unique values each tool brings. Jenkins, as an open-source giant, resonates with a community-driven spirit, continuously evolving through contributions from experts worldwide. Azure Pipelines, a component of Azure DevOps, showcases Microsoft’s refined integration, making software development and delivery a streamlined experience.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) are more than industry jargon; they form the bedrock of modern software delivery. Both Jenkins and Azure Pipelines champion this philosophy, albeit through different mechanisms. The choice between the two often boils down to team preferences, project requirements, and long-term organizational goals.

What remains unchanging, however, is their shared objective: enhancing software delivery efficiency and reliability. The DevOps landscape will undoubtedly see more tools and innovations, but the core mission of tools like Jenkins and Azure Pipelines—to align software delivery with user needs—will persist. As we navigate this evolving field, our collective experiences and choices shape its future trajectory. For those who are keen on navigating the realm of cloud infrastructure and integrating DevOps tools efficiently, understanding the Cloud Computing career path can provide clarity and direction.
