Salesforce vs AWS

Cloud computing is changing the picture of how businesses will work. It offers compute­r resources anytime, anywhe­re! This reduces costs, improve­s flexibility, and quickens response­s. There are two leading platforms, Salesforce and AWS. They have many se­rvices that improve business activity. Still, you ne­ed to compare their good points and bad points whe­n choosing.

This post is for businesses thinking about switching from on-site se­rvices to cloud resources. He­re, we’ll look closely at Sale­sforce and AWS. We’ll point out their fe­atures, perks, job opportunities, and more­ in this thorough guide.

What is Salesforce?

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) software that gives companies the ability to track and monitor sales and marketing activities, automate workflows, and much more. It’s a cloud-based system that helps companies of all sizes enhance efficiency, boost sales, and create enduring relationships with their clients.

Need for Salesforce

  • Security is Salesforce’s top priority. Therefore, Salesforce CRM comes with several integrated data security measures.
  • Salesforce executives invest money in product updates that integrate cutting-edge technologies like AI, Big Data, and ML to improve the overall efficiency of the product. They work with companies to find new ways to improve their products and services.
  • The primary argument in favor of switching is Salesforce’s cloud-based architecture. Right now, you can find the best cloud-based software providers online. A cloud-based CRM can be accessed from any location with an internet connection.

What is AWS?

Amazon created the cloud computing platform known as AWS (Amazon Web Services). Cloud-based services, including computation, storage, database, analytics, mobile, developer tools, management tools, Internet of Things, security, and enterprise apps, are all offered by it. Thanks to AWS, businesses can swiftly launch, scale, and sustain services and apps. It is an affordable method of obtaining cloud computing technology that is dependable, safe, and highly scalable.

Need of AWS

  • Compared to other platforms, AWS offers an environment that is easy enough for a newbie to operate in.
  • Through the use of operational, software, and physical safeguards, AWS secures and hardens our infrastructure’s entire lifecycle. The AWS Security Center has more information.
  • Amazon’s Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling features enable your application to expand or contract based on demand. You always have access to computer and storage resources because of Amazon’s massive infrastructure.

Salesforce vs AWS: Comparison Table 

Let’s check the comparison table of differences between AWS and salesforce





CRM system for handling communications with customers

A platform for cloud computing offering a range of services

Primary goal

Customer service, marketing, and sales

Database, storage, computing power

Career Opportunity

Salesforce consultants, developers, and administrators

DevOps engineers, developers, and architects on AWS

Target Audience

Businesses in different industries

Developers, startups, enterprises

Salary Range

Varies based on role and experience

Generally, they are highly paid compared to other engineers 



Pay-as-you-go with a price hierarchy

Market Share

top CRM platform with a substantial portion of the industry

leading company in the cloud computing industry


Salesforce Certified Administrator, Developer, Architect

AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Developer, SysOps Administrator

Difference Between Salesforce and AWS

It’s essential to look into different factors while deciding to choose Salesforce or AWS to fully understand their differences.

1. AWS vs Salesforce: Why Do We Use

AWS: Cloud computing is the main application for Amazon Web Services (AWS). Companies use AWS to develop, implement, and oversee cloud-based services and apps. AWS offers a wide range of infrastructure services, such as databases, machine learning, analytics, networking, storage, and processing power.

Salesforce: Salesforce is a top supplier of customer relationship management (CRM) software. Salesforce is used by businesses to manage client interactions across a range of touchpoints, such as sales, marketing, service, and commerce. Salesforce provides a range of cloud-based platforms and apps designed to improve customer interaction, expedite corporate procedures, and spur revenue expansion.

2. AWS vs Salesforce: Career Opportunities

If you are wondering which is better, salesforce or AWS, for a career, let’s take a look into career opportunities:

AWS: One of the most popular cloud computing technology platforms, AWS offers a variety of career options. AWS specialists have opportunities for careers as system administrators, software engineers, cloud architects, DevOps engineers, AWS solution architects, and more.

Salesforce: Being knowledgeable about the many Salesforce products and services is necessary for professionals working with the cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Professionals can work in positions like consultant, administrator, developer, architect, and more with Salesforce.

3. AWS vs Salesforce: Salary

AWS: Individuals with an AWS certification can get lucrative salaries because cloud expertise is so in demand. PayScale reports that the average annual salary for an AWS-certified Solutions Architect in the US is approximately $130,000; however, the actual salary will depend on experience, region, and particular work responsibilities.

Salesforce: Salesforce experts, particularly those with experience in development, administration, and consulting, are compensated handsomely as well. Indeed, reports that the typical annual compensation for a Salesforce administrator in the US is $89,000, with regional differences based on experience, certifications, and geography.

4. AWS vs Salesforce: Cost

AWS: Businesses can pay only for the services they use with AWS thanks to its pay-as-you-go pricing model, which frees them from long-term obligations. By adjusting prices based on demand, companies can maximize savings by increasing or decreasing resources. To prevent unforeseen costs, companies must regularly monitor their usage, especially in complex environments with several services and configurations.

Salesforce: Salesforce provides subscription-based pricing with multiple editions to meet different business requirements. With its extensive CRM capabilities, this model offers good value for money, but expenses can go up, mainly when adding features and user licenses. To prevent overspending, businesses must thoroughly evaluate their needs and select the most affordable Salesforce edition.

5. AWS vs Salesforce: Market Share

AWS: AWS holds a substantial market share of worldwide cloud infrastructure services, strengthening its leading position in the cloud computing industry. AWS maintained its dominant position over rivals like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform in Q32021, with over 32% of the global cloud market, according to Canalys.

Salesforce: Leading the CRM market, Salesforce is widely used in sectors including sales, marketing, customer support, and e-commerce. In 2020, Salesforce surpassed rivals and established its leadership in the CRM solutions market, capturing over 20% of the global CRM market share, according to Gartner.

6. AWS vs Salesforce: Advantages

Let’s take a look at the advantages of knowing AWS or Salesforce, which is better


  • Extremely scalable, customers can enhance their processing capacity as needed without having to make significant adjustments to their infrastructure or purchase more hardware thanks to AWS’s ability to scale cloud computing capabilities quickly to meet their demands. 
  • AWS is a cost-effective alternative for many businesses because of its range of pricing plans and special offers that can save expenses. 
  • AWS offers robust security features like identity and access management, access restriction, and data encryption. 
  • AWS offers high availability for a range of services and is incredibly versatile and dependable. 
  • AWS gives users the option to select from a range of cloud computing services, including database, networking, storage, and processing.


  • Salesforce is a straightforward cloud-based system that’s simple to use. To assist the user in keeping up with your sales process, it provides an easy-to-use interface and a plethora of features and customization choices.
  • Salesforce is designed to expand along with your company. As your company expands, users can add additional features and capabilities since it can be scaled up or down as needed.
  • With so many customization possibilities, Salesforce users may quickly adapt the system to their company requirements.
  • Salesforce has a range of automated capabilities that can assist users in streamlining their sales process, including automatic lead generation, tracking, and reporting.

7. AWS vs Salesforce: Disadvantages


  • Getting started with and using AWS can be challenging. Maintaining and configuring it takes much technical knowledge and multiple services.
  • AWS’s lack of technical help and training means that some of its users lack technical expertise, which might make it challenging to fully utilize the cloud computing tools available to them.
  • AWS is costly for businesses that don’t operate on a vast scale. There are times when the price model is more expensive than anticipated and is challenging to comprehend.


  • Salesforce stands among the priciest CRM options available on the market. Especially for small enterprises, it can be challenging to explain the expense.
  • Businesses that need to use several systems and applications may find collaborating difficult and expensive.
  • Businesses that lack the resources to offer comprehensive training to all users may encounter difficulties since Salesforce requires additional training for users to use it efficiently.

8. AWS vs Salesforce: Certification

AWS: AWS provides several certifications, including AWS Certified Developer, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator, and AWS Certified Solutions Architect, that certify proficiency in various cloud services. These certifications show competence in using AWS services and technologies for cloud solution design, deployment, and management. You can check the AWS Solution Architect certification cost online to pursue them.

Salesforce: Salesforce certifications are available for various positions, such as Salesforce Developer, Salesforce Administrator, Salesforce Architect, and Salesforce Consultant. These certifications certify the holders’ proficiency with setting up, configuring, and maintaining Salesforce solutions and applications. By earning Cloud Architect certifications, individuals can improve their credibility and career possibilities. 

How are Salesforce and AWS Similar?

Despite having distinct main functions, Salesforce and AWS have several things in common that help explain their success and widespread use in the tech sector. The following are some similarities between AWS and Salesforce:

  • Both platforms are made to scale quickly to meet changing business requirements. Salesforce and AWS offer versatile and scalable solutions, whether scaling down to minimize expenses during periods of low activity or scaling up to manage rising demand.
  • Cloud computing services AWS and Salesforce both provide helpful certifications. 
  • In the cloud market, Salesforce for customer data and AWS for cloud infrastructure are acknowledged as Global Leaders in their respective service categories. 
  • They both support and encourage the most effective approaches to app distribution. 
     Salesforce and AWS are capable of managing cloud-based operations. 
     Salesforce leads the SaaS, and AWS leads the IaaS cloud service markets.

What Should You Choose Between AWS vs Salesforce?

When it come­s to choosing between AWS and Sale­sforce, it all hinges on differe­nt factors. These could include your like­s, what your business wants, and your career goals. AWS could be­ your top choice if you’re drawn to cloud systems, managing infrastructure­, or developing apps. On the othe­r hand, Salesforce might be your pick if sale­s, advertising, managing customer relationships, and ove­rseeing service­s appeal to you. In the end, be­fore picking one, it’s crucial to weigh your distinct ne­eds and aims.


AWS and Salesforce­ lead their fields, offe­ring top-notch solutions to global companies. Salesforce ce­nters on customer operations and CRM. On the­ other hand, AWS provides multiple se­rvices on an all-inclusive cloud platform. Choosing betwe­en Salesforce and AWS boils down to your care­er objective, company ne­eds, and specific issues you aim to addre­ss. Earning Salesforce and AWS certifications can push your care­er forward and boost your company’s success. There are several platforms offer these certifications, like KnowledgeHut, and you can check the KnowledgeHut AWS Solution Architect certification cost before planning to enroll.
