Which One to Choose in 2024?

Imagine you’re a builder choosing tools for a new project. You’ve got AWS, a toolbox full of options from Amazon, and Firebase, a nifty tool belt from Google. AWS is like a big toolbox with lots of tools for big jobs, like building skyscrapers. But Firebase is more like a compact tool belt for simpler jobs, like fixing up your backyard shed.

Now, think about your project. If you’re starting a small business and need a quick, easy way to build a mobile app, Firebase might be perfect. It’s simple to use and can handle things in real-time. But if you’re a big company with complex needs, AWS might be better. It’s got tons of options and can handle anything you throw at it.

Understanding what each tool can do helps you pick the right one for your project. So, whether you’re building a skyscraper, or a backyard shed, knowing AWS and Firebase will help you get the job done right. Ready to dive into the world of cloud services and app development? Let’s get started!

Before we dig deeper, it is worth noting that you can become an expert and elevate your career with our Cloud Computing Bootcamp.

AWS: Overview

AWS is a platform provided by Amazon that offers a wide range of cloud computing services such as computing, analytics, storage, networking, databases, and many more. AWS has globally located data centers. It provides a range of security features and enables developers to streamline application development and deployment using a suite of developer tools. It provides pricing options and various cost management tools and has a vast community to offer support.

AWS’s market share is the largest, clocking in at 50.1% in 2024, according to HG Insights.

Firebase: Overview

Firebase is a platform provided by Google that offers developers a wide range of features and services to build web and mobile applications. It offers a real-time database called Cloud Firestore and handles user authentication and management. It provides scalable and secure cloud storage, secure web hosting, and insights into user behavior. It also offers performance monitoring to help developers identify and fix performance issues and many more such services.

Google Firebase has a market share of 2.14% in the application development market, according to 6sense.

AWS vs Firebase: Comparison Table

This comparison table highlights the difference between Firebase and AWS.








Cloud service provider

App development platform


EC2, Lambda, etc.

Cloud Functions


S3, EBS, etc.

Real-time DB, Cloud Storage


RDS, DynamoDB, etc.

Real-time DB, Firestore


AWS Cognito

Firebase Auth


Amplify, S3

Firebase Hosting


Pinpoint, CloudWatch

Firebase Analytics


Pay-as-you-go, various pricing options

Pay-as-you-go, free tier, usage-based pricing

Difference Between AWS and Firebase

Let’s delve into the differences between AWS and Firebase.

1. AWS vs Firebase: Services provided 

The below list gives an overview of the services provided by AWS, therefore contrasting AWS vs Firebase.

  • ElasticTranscoder
  • AppStream
  • Cognito
  • WorkDocs
  • DirectoryService
  • Trusted Advisor
  • CodeDeploy
  • Data Pipeline
  • Lambda
  • Content Delivery
  • DynamoDB
  • Elastic Cache
  • Direct Connect

The below list gives an overview of the services provided by Firebase, therefore contrasting AWS vs Firebase.

  • Cloud Functions
  • Cloud Firestore
  • Cloud Storage
  • Hosting
  • ML Kit
  • Real-time Database
  • Analytics
  • Predictions
  • Cloud Messaging
  • Dynamic Links

So, what do you think? Is AWS equivalent to Firebase in terms of the various services offered? Multiple services serve the same functionality across both AWS and Firebase but may have different names.

2. AWS vs Firebase: Features

This comparison table provides a high-level overview of various features, contrasting AWS vs Firebase.





AWS Cognito for authentication and user management

Firebase Authentication for email/password, social, and custom authentication


AWS Amplify, S3 for hosting static websites

Firebase Hosting for deploying web apps and static content globally

Real-time Database

Amazon DynamoDB for NoSQL database

Firebase Real-time Database offering real-time synchronization of data


AWS offers analytics services like Amazon Pinpoint

Firebase provides built-in analytics tools for app performance and user engagement

Cloud Functions

AWS Lambda for serverless computing

Firebase Cloud Functions for deploying serverless functions

3. AWS vs Firebase: Benefits 

This comparison table provides a high-level overview of various benefits, contrasting AWS vs Firebase.



Offers a wide range of scalable services

Provides a real-time database for instant scaling

Highly reliable infrastructure with multiple availability zones

Real-time data synchronization

Robust security features and compliance certifications

Authentication and security features

A global network of data centers in multiple regions

Global content delivery with CDN

4. AWS vs Firebase: Pros and Cons

The below tables list the pros and cons of AWS.

The below tables list the pros and cons of AWS.

Pros Cons


Complexity in managing resources


Cost management can be challenging


Limited personalized support


Vendor lock-in

The below tables list the pros and cons of Firebase.

Pros Cons

Real-time database synchronization

Limited flexibility

Built-in authentication & security

Potential vendor lock-in

Easy deployment with Firebase Hosting

Limited scalability

Built-in analytics for app monitoring

Cost management challenges

5. AWS vs Firebase: Cloud Storage

The table below provides a comparison between AWS vs Firebase cloud storage – AWS S3 and Firebase Storage.

Aspect AWS S3 Firebase Storage


Object storage

User-generated content

Pricing Model


Usage-based pricing


Integrates with AWS services

Integrates with Firebase services


Encryption, access control

Encryption, access control




CDN Support

Supports CloudFront

Built-in CDN support

The diagram below provides insights contrasting AWS vs Firebase Costs.

So, what do you think? Is Firebase cheaper than AWS?

6. AWS vs Firebase: Use cases

Either AWS or Firebase can be used to build Mobile and Web Applications based on your application’s use case.

Use Case



Web Applications

EC2, S3, RDS

Hosting, Real-time Database

Mobile App Backend

EC2, Lambda, DynamoDB

Authentication, Real-time Database

Serverless Computing

AWS Lambda, API Gateway

Cloud Functions

Static Website Hosting

S3, CloudFront


Analytics and Monitoring

CloudWatch, CloudTrail


7. AWS vs Firebase: When to Use & When Not to Use?

Let’s review AWS vs Firebase, when and when not to use.

When to Use AWS?

  • While building Large-scale web applications with complex infrastructure.
  • While building a scalable backend for mobile apps and IoT solutions.
  • While building event-driven applications with scalable computing.

When not to Use AWS?

  • When the analytics needs are limited.
  • When the budget needs are fixed or predictable.
  • When the authentication requirements are complex.

When to Use Firebase?

  • While building web applications with simple infrastructure.
  • While building mobile apps with simplified backend and lightweight IoT apps.
  • While building serverless applications with minimal management overhead.

When not to Use Firebase?

  • When the analytics needs are heavy.
  • When the budget needs are cost-sensitive or unpredictable.
  • When the authentication requirements are minimal.

Apart from the above pointers, the AWS vs Firebase pricing also plays a huge role in deciding when and when not to use what.

8. AWS vs Firebase: Serverless Function

Let’s have a look at AWS vs Firebase in terms of the Functions that they have to offer.

AWS Lambda

  • AWS Lambda Supports multiple languages like Node.js, Python, Java, etc.
  • It supports various event triggers such as HTTP, S3, DynamoDB, etc.
  • It can be deployed with AWS Console, CLI, or SDKs.
  • It provides monitoring and logging through CloudWatch.

Firebase Cloud Function

  • It primarily supports Node.js.
  • It supports limited event triggers such as HTTP, Firestore, etc.
  • It can be deployed with Firebase CLI or through Firebase Console.
  • It provides monitoring and logging through Firebase Console and Stackdriver Logging.

9. AWS vs Firebase: Database Services

Let me take you through Firebase Cloud Firestore vs AWS DynamoDB Services.

Firebase Cloud Firestore

  • It is a NoSQL database which is highly scalable and is suitable for real-time updates.
  • It supports querying with powerful filtering and sorting.
  • It supports atomic operations but offers very limited transaction support.            

AWS DynamoDB

  • It is a NoSQL database that is highly scalable and is designed for large-scale applications.
  • It supports very rich querying capabilities.
  • It supports transactions that are ACID-compliant.

10. AWS vs Firebase: User Authentication

Let’s go over the User Authentication process, contrasting AWS vs Firebase

Firebase Authentication

  • It is highly scalable and is suitable for small to medium-scale applications.
  • It seamlessly integrates with other Firebase services like Firestore, Real-time Database, and Cloud Functions.
  • It provides an identity federation with multiple external providers: Google, Facebook, and Apple.

AWS Cognito

  • It is highly scalable and is designed for large-scale applications.
  • It integrates seamlessly with other AWS services like Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB.
  • It provides identity federation with external providers, namely Google, Facebook, and SAML.

How Are They Similar?

Let’s dig into the similarities, contrasting AWS vs Firebase.

  • AWS and Firebase are cloud-based platforms offering various services that help developers build and deploy applications in the cloud.
  • Both AWS and Firebase offer authentication services that enable developers to authenticate.
  • Both AWS and Firebase integrate seamlessly with other services within their respective ecosystems.
  • AWS and Firebase offer monitoring and analytics tools that enable developers to track their application performance.
  • Both platforms provide developers with development tools, SDKs, and APIs.

What Should You Choose Between AWS vs Firebase?

You need to choose AWS:

  • If you need a comprehensive set of cloud services for building complex, scalable applications.
  • If you require extensive customization options and high control over your infrastructure.
  • If your project involves heavy data processing, analytics, or machine learning.
  • If you have a large development team with experience in managing cloud infrastructure.
  • If you need advanced security features and compliance certifications.
  • If your project requires integration with other AWS services or third-party platforms.

If you plan to choose AWS for building your web/mobile application, I highly recommend you go through this Amazon AWS certification eligibility.

You need to choose Firebase:

  • If you are building mobile or web applications and need to get them up and running quickly.
  • If you prefer a serverless approach and want to focus on application logic rather than infrastructure management.
  • If Real-time data synchronization and collaboration features are essential for your application.
  • If you have a small development team or limited resources and need a simpler, more streamlined development experience.
  • If you are looking for built-in authentication, analytics, and hosting services tailored for app development.
  • If cost efficiency and scalability are crucial for your project, you want to avoid upfront infrastructure costs.

Wrapping Up

I would like to conclude by saying that if you are confused between AWS vs Firebase and what to choose, it is essential to consider your project’s needs, look at each platform’s capabilities, and then decide what to opt for. AWS offers a vast array of services and options to customize, making it very suitable for large-scale applications with complex requirements and extensive infrastructure needs. Whereas Firebase, on the other hand, provides a more streamlined and user-friendly approach, which is mainly beneficial for the rapid development of real-time applications. Regardless of your chosen platform, both AWS and Firebase offer reliable cloud solutions with scalability, security, and integration capabilities.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on many factors, such as project scope, technical expertise, budget, and time-to-market requirements. Evaluating these factors carefully will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your project goals and objectives.

It is highly recommended to go over the KnowledgeHut’s Cloud Computing Courses and enroll in them to make yourself proficient in the cloud.

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