You’ve made it through the rift! Season 4 is all about survival.

Savage Lands

During the last Season we leaped through the arch of an ancient technological structure — The Rift. You have now landed on the next challenge, Season 4: Savage Lands.

You comb through the fog of your travels to find an emerald sea of jungle ahead. Deep bellowing noises pierce through the canopy, and you can’t shake the feeling that you’re being watched by thousands of eyes below. You’re most certainly not alone…

Savage Lands

As you descend into the jungle, you find a decaying structure reminiscent of a research building entombed in the jungle’s verdant claws. An outpost.

HTB Season 4


Stepping past the vines and debris, you find yourself in a room with workstations. To your surprise, functioning terminals left over by the previous tenants seem to be operational. A map located on one of the desktops shows there are 13 other sites much like this one throughout the terrain.

Curious to know more, you begin to browse through other files. You click on a file with the date “January 6th, 2024.” Suddenly, multiple terminals begin a countdown and display a map with each location. The only hint of information the machine gives you is this:

“A new machine will come online each week. Solve the challenge, and you will receive a safe route to the next location. If the machine isn’t solved, then you’re free to learn about the local inhabitants. Best of luck.”

Your objective is clear. Reach each station, hack each position, and be the leader into the next rift. Glory to all hackers who brave the jungles and join our ranks this Season!   

Recap: Season III 

We are officially out of the Beta Seasons! Thank you to all of the content creators and players who have joined us through the first iteration of this new competitive hacking format. You’ve made this experience exceptional, and we will continue to do our best to keep the spirit of competition growing.

We are happy to see your social media update every week, sharing the Machine you just pwned or your new Tier achievement. To the thousands of hackers participating, we are glad you are sticking around, and we hope the Machines helped open you up to new learning opportunities.

Ranking Level

Top Hackers & Teams

Who was among the first echelon of people to rip through the Machines in Season 3: Hackers’ Rifts? Well, it was hard fought, and the results are in. Not only do we have our individual winners to declare, but also our first teams to win in a Season!

1. xct

2. snowscan

3. jkr

What a great fight from these three hackers! It takes absolute grit to come back week after week and complete these Machines first. Congrats from all the community!

1. TheATeam

2. TeamTrouble

3. l33chers

These teams just made history as the first to win in HTB Seasons! We are excited to see you all pull together and support each other through the event. Will you come back next Season to claim your spot at the top?

We want your feedback

Even out of the Beta version, Seasons will continue to change as time progresses. Our team wants you to participate in its growth and development by suggesting and prioritizing features (or improvements) that the community would like to see. 

HTB Seasons: Feedback Survey

Complete this short survey to share ideas, improvements, and your personal experience about the new seasonal format. We aim to make HTB Seasons the best and most entertaining competition for the community… Tell us how!


We want you to think about how you’ve engaged with past Seasons. Each of our teams has compiled questions we would like feedback on. However, we want you to dive in with your own creative spark! Here are some examples of questions you might see: 

  • Did the competition meet, exceed, or fall short of your expectations?

  • Does custom swag based on each new season storyline interest you?

  • What was the most enjoyable aspect of the HTB Seasons?

It is important to know what inspires you to keep coming back. You’re along with us for the ride. 

Are you ready? 

We challenge you to navigate each outpost, solve each Machine, and claim your spot at the top of the food chain! We welcome any hacker new to our little arena. Start 2024 with an exciting feel of competition with Season 4: Savage Lands!

Season 4 ART HTB from